Long Multiplication Worksheets
This page includes Long Multiplication worksheets for students who have mastered the basic multiplication facts and are learning to multiply 2-, 3-, 4- and more digit numbers. Sometimes referred to as long multiplication or multi-digit multiplication, the questions on these worksheets require students to have mastered the multiplication facts from 0 to 9.
There are a variety of strategies for completing long multiplication including the classic paper and pencil methods, lattice multiplication (which we feature on this page), mental strategies, manipulative use, technology, and various other paper and pencil algorithms. Multi-Digit multiplication can be a frustrating experience for many students. Try to teach multi-digit multiplication using more than one strategy.
Most Popular Long Multiplication Worksheets this Week
Long Multiplication Worksheets
- Long multiplication practice worksheets including a variety of number sizes and options for different number formats.
- Two-Digit multiplication is a natural place to start after students have mastered their multiplication facts. The concept of multiplying two-digit numbers requires a knowledge of place and place value, especially if students are to fully understand what they are accomplishing with the various strategies they use. A question such as 24 × 5 can be thought of as (20 + 4) × 5. Mentally, this becomes much easier as students multiply 20 by 5 then 4 by 5 and add the two products. A good way to build understanding of place value is with base ten blocks. These manipulatives also translate very well into paper and pencil and mental math strategies.
- An extra digit can throw off some students but add an extra challenge to others. Always ensure that students are ready for three-digit multiplication or both you and your student will be frustrated. Three-digit multiplication worksheets require a mastery of single-digit multiplication facts and a knowledge of a multi-digit multiplication strategy that will enable students to both understand the question and get the correct answer. Four-digit multiplication was invented in 350 B.C. as a way of punishing children who stole bread from the market. Just kidding! It's actually a great challenge for students who have experienced success with their multiplication facts and have a good handle on a long multiplication strategy. What do you give students who have mastered their multiplication facts and long multiplication and who love a challenge? Look no further than five- to eight-digit multiplication. Enjoy!
- There are no thousand separators in the numbers on the first worksheets. It makes it a little more difficult to read the numbers, but sometimes it is better not to have too many things in the way when students are learning long multiplication. The answer keys include answers with the steps shown, so students and teachers can diagnose any problems in the steps they took to answer the questions. The answers use a paper and pencil algorithm that is commonly used in the U.S. and other countries.
- Long Multiplication Worksheets up to 3-Digit Numbers